A card game in 4KB as a Craptastic 2022 competition entry


Welcome to HARD FOAM, a card game packed into only 4KB for the Commodore 64. Featuring 32 cards and just under 20 unique effects, soundfx and lovely PETSCII graphics.

Put your monsters on the table and defeat your opponent. Cast spells to enhance your own or attack those that oppose you.


Control the game with either joystick or cursor keys and Enter.

You start off with the Deck Builder, already with 13 cards (5 spells).

Use UP/DOWN to select a card and FIRE to add/remove it from your deck.

When your deck has exactly 15 cards, and 5 to 7 spells (o), you can press RIGHT to start the game.

  • Exactly 15 cards
  • Only 1 yellow Legendary
  • Put in 5 to 7 spells (o)


A complete deck of cards of 28 cards is formed by doubling all 15 cards except the legendary. The legendary then replaces a random card in the deck.

Both players draw 3 initial cards.

The player goes first and starts off with 1 energy to cast cards. The AI goes second and starts off with 2 energy as a bonus.

Each round your energy replenishes and it goes up by 1, maxing at 9.

So if you have enough energy, you can place cards on the table or cast spell (o) cards with LEFT/RIGHT and FIRE.

Use UP to select cards from the table and FIRE to make it attack. Select opponents card or cancel with DOWN.

If the opponent has no cards on the table you attack your opponent directly!

Cause 10 damage and you win!

When you have no more options, move the cursor to the "END" symbol and press FIRE to end your turn.


  • Summoning sickness: a card played  on the table can only attack next  turn
  • Shield: absorbs all damage on first  hit and then disappears
  • Ready: Card can attack immediately
  • Guard: Card must be attacked first
  • Hit: Hits random opponent's card for some damage. This can be the  same card multiple times
  • Give: Grants effect to card(s)
  • Restore: Restore health of card(s) or player


All programming, graphics and sound by Alexander "paaco" Paalvast.

This game was submitted to the "2022 Reset64 4KB Craptastic Game Competition" and may be distributed freely.

And here's an Easter-egg since you read this far: Press POUND to cycle through, edit and use one of the AI decks.


Find the ACME assembler source code at: https://github.com/paaco/c64-hardfoam


hardfoam-compo.zip 5.4 kB

Install instructions

Unpack the zip file and copy and run hardfoam.prg on a real Commodore 64, an Ultimate64 or in the VICE emulator. Both PAL and NTSC are supported, although the Deck Builder flickers on NTSC.

Development log


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Very clever, love the card designs and how it helps you by showing what can be played.

Thank you! It's a real pain programming all the UI interaction. There are always more things to take care of than you think and it adds up. I had to give up card placement for instance to spare some room. Now they are always placed left on the table.

(2 edits)

no idea how to play this/10

For starters, in the initial deck builder, press Down until you come to a White card and press Fire. Do this again to fill your deck. Then press Right to start the game.

Your job is to play cards on the table and use them the next turn to attack your opponent. If the opponent has cards on the table as well you need to take those cards out first.

Each card has a cost (upper left), attack value (bottom left) and defense value (bottom right). An attack subtracts the attack value of the attacker from the defense value of the defender.

The first turn you start with 1 point to spend on cards, and that increases each turn.

The cards that you can use on a turn are highlighted. Click End to end your turn.

This is very clever! It took me a bit to feel like I knew what I was doing but once I got the hang of it I was quite impressed. Good job

Thank you very much!